April 18, 2011

iPhone App Problem and Readings

For the final project of information architecture, I decided to go with the Jones Generation Hikers. They are baby boomers, which means they are concerned with their health. This of course, could contribute to the reason that they are hiking. But at this age, they are beginning to be concerned with many health issues.

For my app, I would like to create a program that will help the hikers remember other health issues that they need to be aware of before, during, and after their hike. This includes problems such as allergies, air quality, blood pressure, arthritis, and remembering to take meds at certain hours. While hiking is a wonderful exercise, it is good at distracting people too. So this will hopefully help.

The Readings:
  • Buttons should look like buttons, and not be hard to find or hard to understand as buttons. Too many visual elements can make it hard to read, but you do want it to have a degree of abstractness to it.
  • There are a set of standard tab icons. Use them. Certain icons have certain meanings, and if you stray from them then it is confusing for the user.
  • There are a lot of standards that are required for an iPhone app to pass inspection. If you're not within these guidelines, doesn't expect it to pass.
  • Along the same lines, it is probably a good idea to just stick with the gestures that the user will already know, instead of creating a whole new one just for your app.
  • It needs to be taken into account, to some degree, that a lot of the screen is covered up by the user's finger as they do a gesture.

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