October 14, 2011

Screen Space Reading

Designing for the screen comes with it's own set of limiting rules, mostly limited by the capabilities of the code or the physical attributes of the screen itself. This has let much of the design for the screen to end up being "streamlined shapes, a rejection of ornaments, an appeal to minimalism, to functionalism." It is an easy task to design on the screen, within the screen, imagining everything as flat. But the internet is anything but flat. A screen is nothing but a frame. It's a border, but one that we can, and must, cross.
In an interactive environment, time is something that is lost. This, also, is something of a disconnect, as the idea of temporal experiences dictate the rest of our lives.

Group 1 Touchpoints, Moving Slowly but Surely.

Doing several iterations, trying to give myself some options.

Class Crossover - iPhone design and some wireframes

So here's our first go at the iPhone portion of our MX system. We decided to get it out of the way early, since this is the only scenario that uses it. Once this is finished with, each of us and really focus each on one of the bigger platforms.
 Gps iPhone Scenario

Moving forward, we will be turning the rest of our scenarios into designs! Here are the wireframe versions of the two of mine that have yet to be done. Unfortunately, the PDF of the iPhone wireframe somehow became corrupted, but that's ok, since I've still got the original files.  Brandon will be focusing his attention on the iPad, I will be doing the hub for our parent and teacher scenarios! Teacher Lesson Plans Note Sharing

October 8, 2011

3D Navigation Model

Instead of trying to explain our pile of dots through photographs alone, I thought it might be helpful to just make a quick video instead. Thank you Loren for being my cameraman!

October 4, 2011

Phase 2 Final

In order to begin the rebranding process, I first refined the objective statement for Half-Price books.

"Through rebranding Half Price Books, I would like to downplay their emphasis of affordability while raising awareness of their strong roots in the green movement, all while using playful and nostalgic aesthetics to appeal to a book-loving audience."
Keeping the key attributes (playful, nostalgic, and eco-friendliness) in mind, I began the iterative process of creating the 3 different directions. That is, after changing the name to “Early Birds.” The intention of this change was to meet the part of my objective that states to “downplay their emphasis of affordability.”

One direction personifies the letter “e,” turning it in a light and playful bird. The second direction that I pursued is a more solid, formal brandmark that took the shape of both a book and the initials of the new company name. The third direction, which I now intend to move forward with, simply consists of a monogram. The supporting elements of each brand fill out the attributes that the brandmarks did not cover. Check out the scribd for all the details!

Kelsey Anderson Phase 2

October 1, 2011

Matrix of Refinements

Refined Wireframes

Student is around town and completes location-based educational opportunities:

Student takes notes within textbook and then requests to share notes with peers:

Teacher uses keywords in the students' discussions to find new materials store in a teacher-submitted database for future lesson plans. This one was initially for the ipad, but was then moved to be a desk-top scenario: