November 10, 2010

Poverty Simulation Brainstorming

Karen and I had a blast thinking of solutions to some of the problems we found with the impoverished community during the simulation. while we were working some of our thoughts out though, we did run into a few bumps in the road, mainly because of the roles we played in the simulation. In our "families" we were both children, so we did not get the experience of being an adult. We plan on filling this knowledge gap by interviewing people that were adults.

These simple models were what we made to tried and organize our thoughts after we did all our mind mappings. The three directions we came up with were:

The school incentive turned out to be a bit too much. And we were kind of having trouble finding a good design solution. Oops. So we'll be dropping the school idea, and elaborating, refining, and trying to work out our other ideas, while creating a new one.

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