March 22, 2010

Facts for Information Graphics

carrot - organic food
Comparative data between states, and nationwide, allowing looks at different years as well (lots of numerical and location data available on this site).
Fruit and Vegetable Consumption Data and Statistics. n.d. Center For Disease Control. 22 Mar. 2010>.

2. " Farm animals and animal production facilities cover one-third of the planet's land surface, using more than two-thirds of all available agricultural land including the land used to grow feed crops (Haan et al. 1997). "

3. Greenist Cities
. Boulder is number 7! Cool! It is also the country's best organic food suppliers. No wonder I enjoyed it there so much, haha.
Best Green Cities. 2007. Sperling’s Best Places. 23 Mar. 2010>.

4. Organic Vs. Nonorganic Prices. Nice side-by-side comparison of the cost of different foods.
What Does Organic Food Cost?. 2006. 23 Mar. 2010>.

5. Organic Food Timline
Organic Industry Timeline. 21 Oct. 2002. Whole Foods. 23 Mar. 2010>.

6. "The researchers calculated that the annual environmental costs for a city the size of Edmonton were $135,000 to $183,000 (5,492-7,426 tonnes CO2) for conventional produce and $156,000 to $175,000 (6,348-7,124 tonnes CO2) for organic produce. Many of the organic products are travelling further than the conventional food. Two items in particular, mangoes and green peppers, were shipped much further than their conventional counterparts (4,217 and 1,476 kilometres, respectively). The mangoes were shipped from Ecuador and Peru as opposed to Mexico, and the peppers came from Mexico as opposed to Canada or the United States."
Organic Food Miles Take Toll On Environment. 7 June 2007. Science Daily. 23 Mar. 2010>.

recipe box - homemade/home food trends
1. fast food vs homemade cost
Cost comparisons: Fast Food vs. Homemade Meals. 5 Feb. 2009. ABC. 22 Mar. 2010>.

2. Food Trends through the Decade. Covers important eating/habit/changes that involve food, like the Super-Size Me documentary, diet trends, the recession and its effects on home cooking, etc.
Tannenbaum, Kiri. The Decade in Food: Trends from 2000 to 2009 - Page 10. 2010. 20 Mar. 2010>.

3. Food Price Trends:
FAO Food Price Index. 2009. UNEP. 22 Mar. 2010>.

4. Culinary Events Calendar. Shows a break down of months, weeks, and days. Shows events and special days (both historical and current).
Ehler, James T. Food History & Culinary Events Calendar. Jan. 2010. 22 Mar. 2010>.

5. "According to a study by the University of Arizona Garbage Project, each American throws away 1.3 pounds of food a day, which amounts to 474.5 pounds per year per person. This is more than twice the estimates of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). In response to the study and another one by the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA), EPA revised its data methodology from the late 1990s to the present. Increased consumption of packaged foods was a key factor in causing food waste's share of the solid waste stream to decrease by 15 percent from 1960 to 2003. USDA estimates that higher percentages of fruits, vegetables, dairy and grain products are thrown away, while lower percentages of meat, dried beans and processed foods are discarded."
Miller, Chaz. Food Waste. 1 Oct. 2005. WasteAge. 23 Mar. 2010>.

6. Strange Food From Around the World
. Gross! Very interesting look at what other people eat in other areas of the world. I would definitely stick with the more "normal" strange foods, nothing like the animal brains or stuff like that.
Strange Food From Around The World. n.d. StuffUCanUse. 23 Mar. 2010>.

shrimp - seafood
1. shrimp life timeline!
Life Cycles. 2010. Ova Yonda. 20 Mar. 2010>.

2. Preparing Seafood (Timeline)
Zisman, Carrie. Allergies, Food Poisoning, and More. 2010. Kid Safe. 22 Mar. 2010>.




knife - cooking technology/utensils
1. How has technology changed cooking? He lists many things, which I can look up the dates for. Good and bad things!
Pepin, Jacques. How Has Technology Changed Cooking?. 21 Nov. 2007. Big Think. 22 Mar. 2010>.
2. History of Eating Utensils. Positively riveting information. A must read. (that was sarcasm)
Hermes, Amanda. The History of Eating Utensils. n.d. eHow. 22 Mar. 2010>.
3. "On October 8, 1945 Raytheon filed a U.S. patent for Spencer's microwave cooking process and an oven that heated food using microwave energy was placed in a Boston restaurant for testing. In 1947, the company built the Radarange, the first microwave oven in the world.[3] It was almost 1.8 metres (5.9 ft) tall, weighed 340 kilograms (750 lb) and cost about US$5000 each. It consumed 3 kilowatts, about three times as much as today's microwave ovens, and was water-cooled. An early commercial model introduced in 1954 consumed 1.6 kilowatts and sold for US$2000 to US$3000. Raytheon licensed its technology to the Tappan Stove company in 1952. They tried to market a large, 220 volt, wall unit as a home microwave oven in 1955 for a price of US$1295, but it did not sell well. In 1965 Raytheon acquiredAmana, which introduced the first popular home model, the countertop Radarange, in 1967 at a price of US$495."
Microwave Oven. n.d. Wikipedia. 23 Mar. 2010>.

4. Top Ten Useful Utensils
Larsen, Linda. Top 10 Kitchen Tools and Gadgets. 2010. 23 Mar. 2010>.



spoiled soup pot -cooking accidents (mess-ups AND injuries)

Bayan, Ruby. How to Prevent Kitchen Accidents. 2010. 22 Mar. 2010>.
2. I gathered a lot of bar graphs and pie charts regarding injuries in the kitchen from this source, lots of interesting stats.

Home and Leisure Accident Surveillance System. 23rd Annual Report of the Home Accident Surveillance System (HASS). Teddington: n.p., 1999.

3. Fire Safety Methods.
Technically timelines, although spanning over short periods of time as apposed to years and years.
Cooking Fire Safety
. 24 Nov. 2009. U.S. Fire Administration. 23 Mar. 2010>.




Pizza Box - Fast Food
1. The History of Fast Food. This is a concise time line of important dates in fast food history.
Each point on the line is clickable for additional information. A portion of the time line: XTimeLine. 2009. 20 Mar. 2010>.

Numbers of fast food restaurants in the USA. Very cool website, these developers made this map through google maps. There's also a Starbucks version of the map. Very cool.
that's tasty:

In the KC area, there are 388 fast food restaurants. This is the nation-wide total(seems like it should be more though):
Fast Food Maps. 2010. 23 Mar. 2010>.
3."Each day, 1 in 4 Americans visits a fast food restaurant."
Super Size Me. dir. Morgan Spurlock. narr. Morgan Spurlock. 2004.

40 percent of American meals are eaten outside the home
Super Size Me. dir. Morgan Spurlock. narr. Morgan Spurlock. 2004.

5. Cost of Fast Food in Different Countries
Yi, Esther I. World’s Most Expensive Fast Food. 07 July 2009. Forbes. 23 Mar. 2010>.


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