April 6, 2011

PSA: Healthy Homes Final

Familial baby boomer caregivers are a group of people that commit their lives to the health and well-being of someone else in their family, like an elderly parent, a injured or sick spouse, or perhaps even a sibling. They spend most of their time in their home, assisting their patient. While interviewing and researching, one thing that caregivers were really concerned with was their own well-being. Because of their age, their health is beginning to degrade and they need to pay extra attention to that, as well as continuing to take care of their patient.

This brings me to the bigger societal concern, which is hygiene. It's all over the news, and a constant issue, especially when it's talking about people cooped up in closed spaces for extended periods of time (like in schools or offices). Caregivers are in this exact situation! So, as a PSA, and as an attempt to improve the health and environment in which caregivers spend their time, HEALTHY HOMES is made!

Healthy Homes is a PSA consisting of a series of seven reminder stickers. They are places in one of the only places caregivers go outside of their own home, the doctors office. These stickers are placed in proximity to objects that exist in both the doctor's office and the caregivers home. As the caregiver is waiting in the waiting room, or the examination room, or even visit the bathroom, these reminders call attention to spots that need some cleaning attention, but are often forgotten.

Visually, they are meant to be reminiscent of the visual language of the medical world, similar to the medicine bottle labels on their patients daily meds. The titles of each reminder uses coded language relevant to the jargon they have to deal every day. The copy is similarly styled, and while it still uses medical vocab, it’s lighter than the normally serious nature of doctor-talk. It’s also worded in a friendly manner, so the already busy caretakers don’t feel like they’re being commanded to do more work. By pointing out these objects (objects that also exist in their home), the goal is to alert them to the problem and give them the reminder they need so that when at home they will remember the objects (doorknob, computer keyboard, light switches) and clean them, improving the well-being of them and their loved one.

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